The tradition of electing a ‘Mayor of Garratt’ evolved only a stones throw away from our brewery during the early 18th century. These popular mock elections, which attracted huge crowds, were held at the same time as elections to Parliament. They centred upon our local pubs, The Leather Bottle and Old Sergeant. The candidates were, typically, unconventional colourful characters from London who adopted comic names and made witty speeches. The event provided a platform for free speech, a protest against the ruling classes and of course, mandatory drunken revelry! This beer is a nod to this truly original eccentric English tradition.
Malty biscuit & light caramel notes topped with floral & spicy English hops from Kent.
British Extra Pale Malted Barley, Crystal, Munich & Chocolate Malts.
English Goldings & Challenger from Kent.
Fuggles & Challenger grown in Kent.
Seasonally available from February to April
Available in cask only